Back 2 Hands Massage

Minimize Massage Soreness With These Aftercare Tips

Nov 02, 2021

You’ve set aside time for some well-deserved self-care by visiting a massage clinic, but after your massage, you find your muscles are sore. Believe it or not, it is normal to feel muscle soreness after massage therapy, as it is part of the healing process. 

A massage can stimulate muscles that haven’t been used in a while, which can cause inflammation or a buildup of lactic acid (like when you work out). Hence, muscle soreness is more common for people who are not used to massages and can last for a few hours or days. 

More intense massages, such as deep tissue massage, are more likely to leave you feeling sore and tight. However, this shouldn’t deter you from getting a massage, as the benefits of your massage outweigh any temporary discomfort you might experience. Below are some tips to minimize discomfort and help your body recover quicker after a massage.

Get Enough Rest

During a massage, your therapist works to lengthen and release the muscles and fascia. Straining your muscles post-treatment increases the risk of muscle injury. Ideally, you should schedule 4-12 hours after a massage to rest and recharge. 

It is important to get enough sleep and support your muscles as they are healing. You can prop your feet up by using a pillow. It is also best to avoid any intense physical activity, such as going to the gym right after. Post-massage time is the time to take it easy.

Drink Lots of Water

It is recommended you drink plenty of water both before and after your massage therapy. A massage session releases built-up toxins from your body. You need to flush those toxins out, as well as keep the muscles hydrated.

Avoid things that can dehydrate your body such as caffeine, alcohol, and smoking for at least 12 hours post-massage. Choose water, herbal teas, and fresh juices, as these are the best options for clearing out your system and staying properly hydrated.

Fuel Your Body With Good Food

A balanced diet is good for your body in general, but it is especially important to be mindful of what you feed your body when it is recovering. It is best to avoid heavy meals and junk food, and opt for light and nutritious snacks instead. 

Although you might be hungry after your massage, overindulging can weigh you down, eliminating the good feeling you have right after. By choosing nutritious food, you will fuel your body with what it needs to help your muscles heal faster. Lean meat, fish, beans, fruits and vegetables provide the protein and essential nutrients your body needs. 

Take a Bath

A warm bath or shower helps muscles to relax and increases blood circulation. Epsom salts can be added to help the recovery process. Epsom salts break down into sulphate and magnesium, which get absorbed into the body, helping muscles relax and reducing swelling and inflammation. They can easily be found at most supermarkets and drugstores.

If you do not have access to a bathtub, a simple warm shower can also help. Try taking the time to let your muscles find relief any way they can.

Call Us Today to Book an Appointment

Experiencing muscle soreness after a massage is normal. Taking proper care of your body after each session can reduce post-massage aches. 

At Back 2 Hands, we have several massage therapies to choose from. Don’t let post-massage soreness deter you. Let us help you continue your wellness journey. Call us at (647) 217-9600 or (905) 453-1128 or visit our website to book an appointment today.

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