Back 2 Hands Massage

A Beginner’s Guide to Cupping Therapy

Feb 10, 2022

Cupping therapy is an alternative treatment that uses round cups to create suction on the skin. It’s essentially a type of deep tissue massage that uses counter-pressure to work into the muscle and fascia to facilitate blood flow. 

The practice is gaining popularity in the west, but its origins can be traced back thousands of years to ancient Chinese medical practices. In this article, we’ll address some of the many cupping therapy benefits and what you can expect during a cupping treatment.

What is Cupping Therapy?

At the start of a cupping therapy session, the practitioner will heat the cup to remove the oxygen, creating negative pressure. When the cups are placed directly on the skin, the tissue beneath the cup is drawn into it, causing the skin to swell. This decompresses muscles and connective tissue while increasing blood flow to the area.

There are various types of cups and different ways to use them. Some practitioners will use one or two, while others will place cups over the entire back. Two popular types of cupping are stationary and sliding. A stationary cupping session keeps the cups in place for a certain period, usually up to ten minutes. Sliding cupping moves the cups back and forth over the affected area.

The Benefits

Cupping treats a variety of health conditions. When the cup draws in your tissues, it stimulates increased blood flow, which relaxes the muscles and breaks up scar tissue. Many practitioners find cupping particularly effective at treating pain and muscle aches.

Other cupping therapy benefits include decreasing recovery time, keeping the body in balance, improving the flow of energy, reducing inflammation, increasing one’s pain threshold, and boosting cellular immunity. Removing toxins can improve circulation and help keep the body functioning properly.

Applying the cups to specific acupressure points may help ease digestive problems, skin complaints, and respiratory issues. Cupping therapy may also reduce symptoms of such chronic conditions as arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, migraines, irritable bowel disease, and high blood pressure, as well as back, neck, knee, and shoulder pain.

What to Expect During Your Treatment Session

Some people find cupping therapy similar to massage. However, the sensations you’ll experience depend upon the area treated and your own body. It shouldn't be painful. You will probably feel tightness when the cup is attached to your skin, but this feeling shouldn’t last. The practitioner should check in with you to make sure that you’re comfortable throughout the treatment.

Cupping therapy is typically done on the back. However, if you have digestive issues, the cups will be applied to the abdomen. If you have migraines, the focus would be on your head or neck. Sometimes the process is combined with massage, acupuncture, or other therapies.

One of the most unusual aspects of cupping therapy is the circular marks left by the treatment. These pink, red, or purple marks are caused by blood being pulled into the area. The colour tells a lot about the type and amount of toxins released from deep in the muscles and surrounding tissue during the session. The darker the mark, the higher the level of toxins treated. Cupping marks typically last a few days, with darker ones lasting the longest.

Book an Appointment Today

Back 2 Hands Massage Therapy in Brampton offers a wide range of massage therapy treatments, including cupping therapy. Our team of dedicated registered massage therapists is committed to improving your health and wellness, ensuring you’re always in capable hands. To learn more visit our website or call 647-217-9600.

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