Back 2 Hands Massage

The Wonder of Cupping Massage: How This Unique Therapy Can Help You

Mar 26, 2023

People often associate getting a massage with relaxing and reducing tension. While this is undoubtedly true, there are many more reasons to explore the different types of massage, like cupping massage

Cupping massage benefits extend to anyone looking to improve their overall health, not just athletes. This informative guide explores how this technique improves lives with surprising results.

What is Cupping Massage and How Can it Help You?

Cupping massage is an ancient technique that utilizes heated cupping tools to create a vacuum effect. When placed on the body for a few minutes, the cup pulls the skin up to expand the blood vessels. Afterward, you may have several round, red marks on the treated area that usually disappear after a few days.

This therapy acts almost like the reverse of a deep tissue massage, working the muscles, vessels, and connective tissue to create cellular repair from the body’s healing response. Cupping massage benefits offer people relief from various issues, making it a popular massage therapy of choice.

Let’s explore the benefits of cupping massage therapy further. 

Increases Circulation

The suction from the massage cups activates the blood vessels in the skin and helps to increase blood and lymph flow to the affected area. Where tight, constricted muscles limit circulation, cupping releases tension and allows circulation to return and begin healing.

Releases Toxins From Tissues

Exposure to toxins can come from food, perfumes, airborne contaminants, and the daily products we use. Our organs help filter toxins from our blood; however, they can become overloaded and stressed, leaving toxins stored in tissue.

Cupping massage helps to draw out these toxins from deep within the tissue and release them into the lymphatic system. Both dry and wet cupping techniques help detoxify.

Reduces Anxiety

Anxiety elevates heart rate and pumps more adrenaline into your system, taxing the body as it responds to a heightened emotional response. Treating anxiety with massage helps regulate the body’s fight—flight—freeze response, lowering heart rate and bringing the body back into a calm state. It also promotes deeper, slower breathing, drawing more oxygen into the bloodstream.

Reduces Scars and Blemishes

Increased circulation draws new, healthy blood to the skin, kickstarting cell regeneration in scar tissue. While it may not altogether remove scars, cupping improves the appearance of scars, discolouration, and other blemishes. 

Clears Congestion

Surprisingly, cupping massage benefits include helping clear congestion from the lungs. Placing the cups on the upper back helps reduce lung heat and increase immune function. It draws out old, stagnant blood and fluids and allows healthy, infection-fighting blood and lymph circulation.

Helps Treat Asthma

Cupping massage works on various areas, not just the back. In addition to cupping the upper back, placing cups on the chest area is also beneficial. Just as cupping can help with congestion, it helps open the airways by moving lymphatic fluid to improve asthma symptoms. 

Decreases Pain and Improves Range of Motion

Inflammation, muscle tension, and pain are uncomfortable and can limit movement. Many people with sore, aching muscles opt for a cupping massage to improve performance and find relief. It helps relax knots and promotes healing from minor muscular injuries.

Improve Overall Well-Being With Cupping Massage

So, whether you want to promote detoxification or enjoy a deep tissue experience with your relaxing massage, cupping massage may be the perfect solution. When applied by a trained massage therapist, you can reap all the benefits of cupping confidently.

Back 2 Hands Massage Therapy strives to provide above-and-beyond massage services that exceed your expectations. Their certified massage therapists listen closely to your concerns and comfort level to make your experience the best possible throughout your session.

Let cupping massage transform your body and mind today! 
Book your session online or by calling 647-217-9600 now.

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